Spring is in the air! Okay, not really, but the spring Milwaukee Recreation guide is out and about, and it’s as delightful as ever! Pick up a physical copy (or browse a PDF) and you’ll be bombarded with hundreds of courses open to residents and non-residents of all ages, covering time-honored areas of interest like arts and crafts, cooking, fitness, sports, and swimming. But sprinkled throughout are a few classes that, well, take the recreation road less traveled. With plenty of time to sign up (resident registration begins March 4; non-resident registration begins March 11), here are 10 Milwaukee Rec classes that can only be described as “wonderfully weird.”
1. Cornhole
“Learn advanced techniques and strategies to become the cornhole player sought out at family gatherings and social events. Sign up with a partner or come and make new friends. All skill levels welcome.”
Why it’s wonderful: It’s cornhole! It’s a class on “advanced techniques and strategies”! Friends and family members will seek you out! Also, the above picture was taken at a giant cornhole tournament in Mayville, Wisconsin and things got nuts. Also also, you can totally find competitive cornhole tournaments on ESPN9.
2. Calling All Tomato Lovers!!
“Are TOMATOES your favorite food? They are a Super Food because they contain Vitamin A, B, C, potassium and antioxidants. Tomatoes will be the main ingredient. We will be making some International food dishes from France, India, Italy and Nigeria. These tasty dishes include: Roasted Tomato and Garlic Salad, Tomato Rice, Tomato Chutney, Tomato and Cheese Pie and Red Tomato Chicken Stew. Fee includes food cost and is non-refundable.”
Why it’s wonderful: TOMATOES.
3. Explore Becoming a Handyman
“Would you like to become a successful handyman? This class is for you! Even if you have the specific skills, in today’s world that is not enough. Class will cover establishing an LLC, obtaining liability insurance, creating estimates and generating invoices, basic bookkeeping, marketing and establishing aminute [sic] personal client base. All questions will be answered. Class is taught by seasoned handyman Chris Schmitz.”
Why it’s wonderful: There’s something wonderful about taking a class that explores the idea of becoming a handyman, instead of a class that just, well, turns you into a handyman.
4. Fairy Gardens & Folklore
“Discover some tales, myths, and explore a bit of folklore behind these fantastical creatures. Are they spirits, sprites, or do they really exist? Get a little spritely yourself and learn how to design and plant your own fairy garden. A $5.00 (cash only) supply fee is due to the instructor at the first class.”
Why it’s wonderful: If you can’t spring for the five bucks (cash only), the fairy gardens at the Domes are pretty neat!
5. Finish the Fringe
“A special one day class to explore the many ways to complete your fringed weaving. Learn several decorative and practical styles of completing your special woven project. This class will focus on unique tied fringes with discussion of woven finishings. Bring your projects and lunch. All levels of weavers.”
Why it’s wonderful: Got dozens of unfinished fringed weaving projects sitting around the house? Of course you do. A little fringed spring cleaning is in order. Bring your lunch.
6. Proprioception The Sixth Sense
“A class to learn and improve on various movements. This fun, unique, engaging class will allow you to learn and/or practice things like juggling, hula hooping, and unicycling, as well as other activities and stimulating challenges involving coordination, balance, and reflexes.”
Why it’s wonderful: Because the 2019 Bristol Renaissance Faire doesn’t begin until July 6.
7. Reiki for You and Your Pet
“Reiki is a Japanese stress reducing, relaxation technique based on the concept of utilizing one’s ‘life energy’. In this informational class, learn how this energy can affect animals and how their chakra systems work. Please do not bring pets to class.”
Why it’s wonderful: Please do not bring your pet to a class called “Reiki for You and Your Pet.”
8. Tell Me About It!
“Want to learn different mediums of journalism such as print, audio, and video? This class will include different methods of gathering information, source and fact checking while discussing about media law. You will gain the knowledge of producing content and the most effective methods of sharing content.”
Why it’s wonderful: [quietly signs up for class]
9. Urban Chicken Farming
“Are you a City of Milwaukee resident who wants to raise your own chickens? As of July 28, 2011, residents in the City of Milwaukee are allowed to keep up to 4 chickens in their backyard. Learn the basics of urban chicken farming and get ready to collect your own ‘farm’ fresh eggs!”
Why it’s wonderful: Have you ever been to a backyard party in the city and the person who lives there casually says, “Oh, here are my chickens,” and sure enough, they’ve got chickens in their backyard? It never gets old.
10. What’s Your Color?
“It has been said that we should eat all the colors (of food) to maintain a healthy diet. What about the colors we wear? What color identifies your personality? Let us assist you in finding out more about yourself by discovering how color affects you and how your body’s chakras (energy centers) ‘tune in’ to color.”
Why it’s wonderful: