So long, Soul Low

Sad news, Milwaukee music fans: Soul Low, one of the city's best bands, has called it quits. The writing has been on the wall for some time (band members moved to different parts of the country last year), but ...

Soul Low would like you to ‘Cheer Up,’ please

Drop the digital and/or physical needle on Soul Low's third full-length album, Cheer Up, and you're lulled into a false sense of serenity. A one-minute string instrumental opens the proceedings, evoking the orn...

Record Recommended: March 14-20

// Our fat-free, dolphin-safe Milwaukee calendar is chock-full of things to do, but only a handful of events contained therein are worthy of the lofty "Record Recommended" (patent pending) honor. Here are o...

Soul Low follows UNEASY with fun, easy EPs

Just two summers ago, an unknown band of young Milwaukeeans released eight songs they wrote and recorded in pieces over the course of a few years, beginning all the way back in 2009 when three of the (then) 20-...

Soul Low: Kind Spirit

If there were a war for Milwaukee’s most affable band—an exceedingly polite and well-mannered war, mind you—the victor would undoubtedly be Soul Low. On 2013’s excellent UNEASY, the young group offered up eight...

Breadfest 2014: A day-by-day recap

When the inaugural Breadfest took place last summer, another music festival was the last thing Milwaukee needed. However, the Breadking Collective venture offers anything but the overpriced Miller Lite, massive...