City of Milwaukee Project Clean & Green Begins Monday, April 17
Citywide program runs April 17 – May 26 with a different collection zone each week
The annual program that provides free bulky item collection for residents begins Monday. The City of Milwaukee Department of Public Works’ annual Project Clean & Green program will run from April 17 through May 26, 2023, with collection crews servicing one clean and green zone each week.
The details:
• Project Clean and Green is available to all 1-4 unit households who receive City of Milwaukee garbage collection service. Crews will collect up to six (6) cubic yards per dwelling unit of unwanted furniture, mattresses, household items, and garden/yard debris in paper yard waste bags.
• A cubic yard is similar to the size of a recliner.
• On your regular garbage collection day during your assigned Project Clean and Green zone week, residents should place their unwanted items at their regular garbage collection point – either the curb or alley line – by 7 AM.
• In most cases, everything will be picked up on garbage collection day, but allow through the following business day for all items to be collected.
• For curb pick-up, please ensure that all items are kept out of the street and instead placed along the area between the sidewalk and curb, on the lawn edge if there is no sidewalk, or at the end of the driveway. For alley collection, place items at the alley line.
• Residents must use brown paper yard waste bags available at area stores for their garden/yard waste. This is the only time of year collection of general yard waste is offered. (Bulk brush collection service, up to 2 cubic yards at no charge, began April 1 and runs through November.)
• The following items are not accepted for collection: appliances, tires, TVs and other electronics (such as computers, printers, scanners, tablets, etc.), construction debris, paint and paint thinner, motor oil, and other hazardous waste. We encourage residents to make use of DPW Drop Off Centers or MMSD’s Household Hazardous Waste program to properly dispose of these items.
Call 414-286-CITY or visit to learn when Project Clean and Green will be in your neighborhood.
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