In case you missed the news, Milwaukee Record celebrated its 10th anniversary on Sunday, April 7, 2024. That day was declared to be “Milwaukee Record Day” throughout the city, as proclaimed by Mayor Cavalier Johnson himself. The following day, we went down to City Hall to meet the Mayor and pick up our framed Proclamation. It was a nice honor, and it was a reason for us to take a step back to appreciate what we’ve done so far while also acknowledging what’s needed to keep going.
Though our anniversary date is now a month in the past, we’ve informally declared the rest of 2024 to be “The Year Of Milwaukee Record,” with a number of events, new product releases, and more Milwaukee Record interviews on other platforms in the works. In terms of that last thing, we’re thrilled to let you know Milwaukee Record co-founders and editors Matt Wild and myself (Tyler Maas) both got an opportunity to go WTMJ studios recently to be interviewed by Libby Collins for an episode of the “WTMJ Conversations” program.
The fun and freewheeling half-hour interview originally aired on the station on Sunday, May 5. The loose, (mostly) lighthearted conversation touches on the start of our businesses, memorable moments and standout articles from the last decade, challenges we’ve faced and things we’re proud to have done along the way, and where we envision Milwaukee Record going in the years ahead.
If you want to get an extended peek behind our curtain or just listen to us talk about burying George Webb burgers and getting vodka bottles signed by celebrities, you can stream the whole episode HERE.