WMSE‘s local and live in-studio showcase, Local/Live, airs Tuesdays 6-7 p.m. You can find past episodes HERE, or on this handy Soundcloud playlist.
SID: Good evening everyone! Welcome to another exciting Local/Live, broadcasting from WMSE’s vinyl library in the Bob and Genie Friedman production studio. I’m here with Matt Wild from Milwaukee Record! How are you doing?
MATT: Hello! That’s me! Hello, Sid, it’s nice to be here. I’m doing well.
SID: We have Social Caterpillar in here, and they just dropped Alphabet Crown.
MATT: I went to their release show this past October at the Cactus Club. It had to be one of the best local shows that I’ve seen so far this year. I’d be surprised if I saw one that topped it in the next month or so. Fantastic show. Looking forward to talking to them about that show and about the record as well.
SID: Fantastic! Please welcome Social Caterpillar!
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