Last month, before Summerfest, Pabst Street Party, and Corey Feldman’s front tooth all came and went, WMSE announced the legendary Alejandro Escovedo will headline the station’s 8th annual Backyard BBQ at Humboldt Park on Saturday, September 2. Though that headliner alone makes attendance pretty much mandatory, WMSE spent subsequent weeks rounding up an excellent supporting cast of performers that will take the stage before Escovedo.
From noon to 8 p.m., Humboldt Park will be alive with activity, including food trucks, craft vendors, Milwaukee Brewing Company beers, and an impressive selection of both local and national musicians. Here’s who’s playing the free, all-ages event (listened headliner to opener).
Alejandro Escovedo
Diego’s Umbrella
Twin Brother
Whiskey Of The Damned
The Koch-Marshall Trio
We’ll see you there!