Last week, we wrote about a less-than-flattering remark Arcade Fire singer Win Butler directed Milwaukee’s way while he was being interviewed on a basketball podcast. A few days later, our fair city was referenced by a member of another influential modern rock band on a different podcast. This time around, the acknowledgement was far more favorable.
Yesterday, the formerly Milwaukee-based Vinyl Emergency podcast marked its 100th episode by releasing an interview with longtime Wilco member Pat Sansone. Even though the episode was recorded in host Jim Hanke’s new home city of Nashville, Sansone’s experiences in Milwaukee came up a couple times over the course of the lengthy, record-based discussion.
Very early in the interview, Sansone mentions the two weeks he spent in Milwaukee and the “hip little village” of Wauwatosa last year while producing the latest album released by Trapper Schoepp (whom Sansone calls “a Milwaukee institution”). Here’s what he had to say about his stint in town:
“I really had a great time. And, as I was telling you earlier, I really kind of fell in love with Milwaukee. I hadn’t spent more than a day or maybe two consecutive days there. I’d been there many times to play, but that was certainly the longest stretch I’ve ever spent there.”
Sansone also sings the praises of Daniel Holter of Wire & Vice and mentions a rare find at an unnamed Milwaukee hi-fi store (perhaps Off The Beaten Path?). Near the tail end of the 80-plus-minute interview, Hanke brings up the famed cover of Wilco’s self-titled 2009 album—often referred to as (Wilco The Album)—that was shot by Autumn de Wilde at Mader’s Restaurant. Yep! You can add Wilco to the list of Mader’s celebrity customers.
You can listen to the full episode below.