Even though we try to keep our whereabouts secret at all times, we still get a lot of stuff sent to our office. CDs, tapes, books, hot sauce, wine, condoms, and threatening letters from the President of the United States are just a few of the things that regularly pop up in our mailbox. But what to do with all this sweet, sweet swag—especially the sweet, sweet swag that doesn’t fit in with our usual coverage? Welcome to the inaugural Milwaukee Record Clearinghouse, a stirring Facebook Live event (and podcast) where we sort though and discuss a bunch of random stuff. New records from Brett Newski, Cabin Essence, and the soundtrack to Wisconsin Foodie hold down the music portion of the hour, while wine from Cannonball and hot sauce from WMSE and Direct Hit! provide the food/drink component. Will Tyler say “mouthfeel”? Will Matt think everything is just “fine”? Find out below!
This episode is brought to you by Surly Brewing and Pridefest. Music in this episode comes courtesy of Piles (“Blue Glue”) and Nickel&Rose (“My Old Man”). Subscribe to On The Record via iTunes or Stitcher (for free!).