On Saturday, June 8, in the year of our Lord 2019, a life-sized bronze statue of South Milwaukee wrestling legend Reggie “Da Crusher” Lisowski was unveiled at a gala celebration dubbed Crusherfest. The festival/unveiling was the final step of a crowdfunding campaign, launched by Chris Smith in late 2017, that eventually raised more than $40,000 to build the statue. The fest was awesome. The fest was fun. The fest was PACKED.

And now it’s back! Yes, Crusherfest 2020 is set for June 6-7, at da site of Da Crusher statue (1101 Milwaukee Ave., South Milwaukee). The event promises “cold beer, great food, and live music.” Oh, and wrestling, of course. Will old-school legends like Kenny “Sodbuster” Jay be in attendance? Will Milwaukee jazz/prog/funk band Lovanova play their “Da Crusher” song? Will the turkeynecks who vandalized Da Crusher statue in August 2019 be publicly tarred and feathered? Pile drive your way to South Milwaukee to find out!

Here are some pictures from last year’s Crusherfest: