Since forming in 2010, The Olives have been a beloved-though-largely unknown part of Milwaukee music. The entirely female punk quartet and its arsenal of brash and mostly-goofy songs spanning one or two minutes...
Originally expected out last fall, the long-awaited Season 2 premiere of Milwaukee-made show Rock ’N’ Roller Remote Controller was posted on YouTube today in rather unheralded fashion, especially considering th...
In the past few years, Milwaukee’s music scene has become much less of a boys club than ever before. In 2014 alone, close to half (11, to be exact) of the acts we considered to have made the 25 best Milwaukee a...
The Olives have been delighting gallery spaces, clubs, and Riverwest basements (and upcoming Milwaukee Record benefit shows) with its instantly-fun brand of Great Lakes surf punk for a few years now. The all-fe...