Leaf Collection Deadline Extended

Rake Your Leaves into the Street through Sunday, December 1, 2024

City of Milwaukee residents now have until end of day Sunday, December 1, 2024 to rake their leaves into the street for pick-up by the Department of Public Works (DPW). The leaf rake-out period has been extended to provide residents additional time to rake leaves from trees that are experiencing a late leaf drop this year. This extension allows sixteen additional days from the ordinance’s November 15 rake-out deadline.

The City’s leaf collection operations on average keep 15,000 tons of leaves per year out of our waterways and sewer system and instead allow the leaves to be converted to nutrient rich compost. For modest amounts of leaves, residents are encouraged to mow or mulch leaves on their property to add healthy organic matter to their lawns and gardens.

NOTE: It takes about two or three weeks for leaf collection operations to cycle through the entire City. After the final leaf pick-up cycle, equipment used for leaf collection is redeployed for the winter season assignments such as snow and ice control. If residents have leaves after the final city cleanup has concluded they can mulch their leaves on their lawn, compost them, or take them to a City Drop-Off Center for composting. Leaves and brush, along with other yard waste, are banned from landfills and must not be placed in garbage or recycling carts.

New in 2024: Residents are able to see where leaf crews are currently working and what routes are up next at Milwaukee.gov/Leaves. DPW will also continue updating the map for the final collection after the rake-out deadline.

Tips for residents for a successful fall leaf collection

• Rake leaves loose into the curb lane. Leave a 1 foot gap between the leaves and the curb. This gap helps ensure the equipment can collect as many leaves as possible while protecting the equipment from potential damage, and it helps prevent flooding by allowing more space for storm water to move to the storm drains.

• Keep piles away from sewer grates, storm drains, and low hanging trees.

• Include yard debris such as flowers, garden trimmings, and weeds on top of leaf piles.

• Do not include grass clippings, pumpkins, litter, or bagged material.

• Do not put brush in the leaf piles. Keep brush separate and located between the curb and sidewalk. Call 286-CITY or request a brush collection online through November 30th.

• After the collection deadline, take your leaves and yard debris to the Drop Off Centers up to 6 cubic yards without fees.

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