Council adopts legislation for a more inclusive city

Today (Tuesday, October 15) the Common Council took action adopting multiple pieces of legislation that work to create a more inclusive city. The first file (#240864) included reallocation of $200,000 of American Rescue Plan Act funds for Courage MKE. Courage MKE is a non-profit devoted to providing housing, resources, and community to LGBTQ+ youth across the City of Milwaukee and beyond who are facing housing instability and homelessness.

The second piece of legislation (#240849) is a resolution approving the City of Milwaukee Inclusive Facilities Policy and Procedure for all City-Owned and CityOperated Buildings, and directing implementation of the policy and procedure by relevant City departments. Both the policy and procedure were approved by the Equal Rights Commission in September.

Alderman Peter Burgelis and Alderwoman JoCasta Zamarripa, supporters of both files, believe this action is in the best interest of residents citywide. “These actions by the Common Council today show that Milwaukee welcomes and supports everyone. When traditionally underserved residents win, the entire city wins!” said Alderman Burgelis.

Alderwoman Zamarripa shares the sentiment. “I’m delighted that the Council could take action today to lift up the LGBTQ+ residents within our city. Everyone deserves to have the same rights and resources available to them, and today we got one step closer to closing that equity gap,” she said.

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