Since beginning in 2015, Ladies Rock Milwaukee—the grown-up companion to Girls Rock Milwaukee—has become an established resource to help empower “women, transgender, and gender non-conforming folks of any identity 18 years or older.” Between the inaugural camp and year two, enrollment went from 16 campers to 22. Since then, the number of participants has only grown, the camp moved from spring to summer, and Ladies Rock collaborations have even helped forge full-fledged bands. Milwaukee Record contributor Lauren Keene enjoyed her experience, too!
This year’s camp runs July 13-15, but registration kicks off this week. Ladies Rock Milwaukee will open enrollment with a bang on March 22 with a fundraiser show. Detenzione, Beach Static, and Ducking will play a free show at High Dive, but money will be raised for the organization through a 50/50 raffle.
Between March 22 and May 31, campers can take advantage of an “early bird enrollment” rate of $200. From June 1-30, the price goes up to $250. Ladies Rock Milwaukee also offers a sliding scale for those in need of some financial assistance. If you want to get involved in a non-musical capacity, Ladies Rock is always in search of volunteers and organizers. Potential campers can also enroll online.