UPDATE (3/14/2020): As a precautionary measure done in effort to limit the spread of coronavirus, Pabst Theater Group has postponed the March 29 Letterkenny Live show at Pabst Theater. As a result of this decision, Puddler’s Hall will also postpone its MoDeans 414 pop-up. Once the new show date is announced, Puddler’s owner Casey Foltz says he’ll set new dates for the pop-up bar.
Since being brought to Hulu in 2018, Letterkenny—a Canadian television program about the “hicks, skids, and hockey players” living in the eponymous 5,000-resident town—has caught on with American audiences in a big way. Now that the endlessly quotable, uproariously hilarious, and surprisingly progressive show has reached full-on “cult comedy” status stateside, its cast and creators are ready to bring the show on the road.
Thankfully, Milwaukee is to be one of the stops on the show’s Letterkenny Live! tour. Before the likes of Wayne, Squirrely Dan, Daryl, Miss Katy, Reilly and Jonesy, Stewart and Roald, and Coach treat Pabst Theater to a “90-minute comedy experience” on March 29, a Bay View business will get at ‘er and celebrate the Canadian series by temporarily turning into a full-fledged Letterkenny pop-up bar.
Between March 26 and March 29, Puddler’s Hall will become “MoDeans 414”—a localized take on the twice-relocated Letterkenny hangout. Puddler’s owner and Letterkenny fan Casey Foltz says he wants to transform his longstanding corner bar into the fourth iteration of MoDeans because a noticeable number of Puddler’s Hall patrons enjoy the series.
“A lot of our customers are fans of the show,” Foltz says. “And we do show a lot of hockey games, so we’ve got a hockey base and that’s a popular show among hockey fans.”
Foltz says MoDeans 414 will feature decorations based to the show. He says some bartenders will be wearing hockey sweaters and other Letterkenny-related attire. Patrons are also encouraged to dress up as their favorite characters. Foltz suggested he might even dress up as Wayne.
“I feel like I’m just a turtleneck away,” Foltz says.
In addition to the adjustments made to the interior decor and wardrobe, Foltz says Puddler’s will also serve a Milwaukee version of Puppers that will be brewed for the occasion by George Bluvas from Water Street Brewery. There will be both a honey lager and a dark variety of “Puppers” on tap.
“Since the show focuses on dogs quite a bit, I plan to donate a dollar from every tap beer of Puppers we sell those days to the Humane Society,” Foltz says.
Beyond the beer, Puddler’s will sell “Gus N’ Brew,” though to be faaaaaaaiiiiiirrrrrr, Foltz admits it will be another whiskey variety that will be relabeled for the occasion. There will be a competition throughout the weekend to guess which whiskey it is. Foltz says there will also be a contest to list all the Letterkenny decorations in the bar. To show that’s “what they appreciates about you,” Puddler’s will award prizes to those who come closest to guessing the right number of items.
So pitter patter, let’s get at ‘er. Put on some overalls, don a hockey sweater, or dress like your favorite skid and come drink some Puppers at MoDeans 414 before Letterkenny Live! comes to town.