This day. The voter suppression. The new emergency health order. Eddie Van Halen? Good lord.
Oh yeah, Milwaukee has canceled trick-or-treating, too.
According to Interim Health Commissioner Marlaina Jackson (via the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel):
The city of Milwaukee Health Department does not support any trick-or-treating door-to-door, whether it be at any traditional time as we have known it to be in the past or any individual neighborhood times that we know happen sometimes the day before or the night-of.
And because Halloween is a big deal in Bay View, the neighborhood issued its own trick-or-treating cancelation.
“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Wisconsin Department of Health Services, and Milwaukee Health Department have all recommended against in-person trick-or-treating this year,” Alderwoman Marina Dimitrijevic said in a press release, “and as such, in partnership with the Bay View Neighborhood Association, the designated trick-or-treat window in Bay View from 5-8 p.m. on Saturday, October 31st has been cancelled and traditional door-to-door trick-or-treating is being discouraged.
“While we know this is disappointing for many,” Dimitrijevic continues, “the health and safety of our community must remain the top priority especially as our state has seen a large spike in new cases.”
Anyway, here’s one of those dumb maps from some random marketing website (um, Zippia?) that shows each state’s favorite Halloween candy. Wisconsin likes Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, apparently, so at least we have that.