Public Market Announces 2022 Holiday Season Festivities

Milwaukee, WISC – The Milwaukee Public Market kicked off the holiday season today by announcing their “Holidays at the Market” events and programming list for the 2022 holiday season, beginning Friday, November 25.

In addition to the list of activities, each year the Market installs lavish holiday décor on both the interior and exterior of the Market property, including a 12-foot-tall holiday spruce tree, which will be on display on the 2nd level of the Market.

The following is a list of events taking place during this season’s “Holidays at the Market”:

November 25

Brew City Trunk Sale – Market vendor “Brew City” will host a discounted apparel sale on the 2nd level of the Market

November 26

2nd Brew City Trunk Sale

Charlie Brown Tree Lot (See additional dates below)

December 1 through December 12

MATC Gingerbread Houses – Be a part of a Milwaukee Public Market tradition. Visit gingerbread house displays made by the talented students at MATC’s baking program. Vote on the winning house and place a bid! Proceeds from the winning bids will benefit MATC.

December 3

1st Santa’s Christmas Cavalcade (in collaboration with Milwaukee Downtown)

December 9

2nd Santa’s Christmas Cavalcade (in collaboration with Milwaukee Downtown)

Salvation Army Celebrity Bell Ringing

December 11

Milwaukee Public Library Used Book Sale

December 17

Breakfast with Santa – Proceeds from this event will benefit the Penfield Children’s center.

Charlie Brown Tree Lot

Taking place the following dates along St Paul Ave sidewalk, the tree lot will be open from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., offering balsam spruce trees resembling those shown in the popular animated television special. Trees will be available while supplies last.

• Saturdays: November 26, December 3 and December 10

• Sundays: November 27, December 4 and December 11

For more information about the Milwaukee Public Market, please visit or call 414-336-1111.

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