If the weather put a damper on your plans to check out a group of local musicians reinterpreting the work of an iconic musician this past weekend, fret not: On Friday, June 1, Milwaukee record label VoodooHoney will bring the music of Beyoncé to Turner Hall. It’ll be like Beyoncé’s headlining set at Coachella, but without all the headaches of Coachella (and Beyoncé).
“From her initial rise as a dynamic young starlet,” begins a press release, “to her ascent as the dominant musical force that is Queen Bey, few contemporary artists possess the raw talent, the sex appeal, or the elegant poise of Beyoncé.” Damn straight. The Turner Hall show will feature Milwaukee’s B~Free (fresh from the aforementioned MJ-UNCOVERED show), Chicago’s Lili K, and New Orleans’ Arsené DeLay.
“I love producing shows where artists can interpret songs they grew up listening to, even before they knew they were going to be singers,” VoodooHoney Records’ Jay Anderson says. “It gives the music deeper gravity and soul.”
General admission tickets are $12 in advance, or $14 the day of the show, and go on sale Friday, April 20, at noon.