Milwaukee musicians can be quite festive from time to time. Through the years, local bands and solo artists have amassed an extensive playlist of legitimately impressive, creative, catchy, and funny holiday songs. Given the abundance of acts that have treated us to Milwaukee-made holiday originals and Christmastime covers, we figured we’d highlight some of our favorite local holiday music options by tossing together this “Milwaukee Holiday Songs” playlist.
This 70-minute mix touches upon a lot of different genres and it includes both active and long-disbanded projects. And yeah, there’s one Madison band and someone from Appleton on here, too. Deal with it! As always, we must remind you Spotify is a horrible platform that has done irreparable harm to the music industry. So if you happen to enjoy anything on this playlist, we urge you to listen to more material from these artists, buy their music/other merch directly or on Bandcamp, and see them perform live if possible.
Season’s streamings and happy holidays!