You don’t need us to tell you that it’s miserable outside and that this amount of snow and cold in the middle of April is an affront to all that is good and temperate in the world. But perhaps you do need us to tell you that a cure to these third-winter blues can be found in a video of a guy metal detecting in Washington Park. Why? Why not.
Yes, there’s something reassuring about this video from “Digger O’Dell,” shot in Washington Park last week (before it was covered in you-know-what). And informative, too! Did you know that Milwaukee’s first zoo was established in Washington Park in 1892? And that it was there until 1958? And that you can find Washington Park Wednesday’s outstanding 2018 lineup here? And that…hey! Dude just found some silver! Some old Mercury dimes from 1913 and 1937, to be exact. Oh, and an old .22 slug.
“Well, I guess that’s going to be the end of it for today,” Digger O’Dell says at the end of the video. “Sorry I couldn’t find a whole lot more for you.” That’ll do, Digger. That’ll do.