Every Wednesday at noon, WMSE’s Ryan Schleicher, Shepherd Express’ Evan Rytlewski, and Milwaukee Record’s Matt Wild take to the WMSE airwaves to discuss all things Milwaukee. This half-hour fun-fest is called The Disclaimer, so named because none of the oft-ridiculous views expressed on the show necessarily reflect the views of the hosts’ employers. Milwaukee music, Milwaukee art, Milwaukee events, and D.I.Y. lawn care tips are frequently discussed—and rarely agreed upon. The Disclaimer: talk radio for the sane.
A year-old Milwaukee Downtown ad campaign called “cya” has Ryan, Evan, and Matt wondering if there’s enough diversity represented in the ads, and questioning the logic of using well-heeled executives and CEOs to sell the “happening” neighborhood. Next, Evan explains how Milwaukee’s hip-hop scene is in need of a successful, elder-statesman “ambassador,” and Matt worries that people won’t be able to shut up at the just-announced Dave Chappelle shows.
Agree? Disagree? Lonely? Email us at thedisclaimerradio at gmail dot com, like us on Facebook, and subscribe to us on iTunes.