“About Damn Time”: Ladies Rock MKE Hosts First Camp Showcase in Three Years This Sunday

MILWAUKEE, WIS., JANUARY 11, 2022 – Fourteen rock ‘n’ roll newbies will show off their freshly-developed music skills at the end of a weekend music camp experience, January 15, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. at the Miramar Theatre, 2488 N. Oakland Ave. in Milwaukee.

Program Director Amy Lynn Zwart is thrilled to lead her first camp as a staff member since participating as a Ladies Rock camper in 2019. “It’s truly a unique and exciting weekend for everyone involved,” says Zwart. “Ladies Rock brings so many incredible contributors from all over the city … we can’t wait to share our adult programming with the community again!”

First held in 2015, Ladies Rock is an intensive Friday through Sunday music day camp for adults of marginalized genders hosted by local organization Girls Rock MKE. “I have never felt so supported doing anything in my whole entire life so far,” says Girls Rock MKE Board Member D. Kirschling, who is a 2015 Ladies Rock camp alumna. “It was really magical for me, and I loved the feeling I got from it so much I wanted to share it.” During the 2023 camp, adult campers with a range of musical skill levels will form a band, learn an instrument, write an original song, and perform that song on stage at a public showcase for friends, family, and fans!

Community members are welcome and encouraged to attend the all-ages showcase. Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. with a suggested $10 donation cover upon entry. The public is invited to attend the Ladies Rock MKE Showcase – it will be an all-ages event. Ladies Rock MKE hopes the community joins them to cheer on their rock stars to be! Donations help to subsidize camper tuition assistance, instrument repair, camp supplies, and general maintenance. Donations can also be made at girlsrockmke.org/donate. Girls Rock MKE is a non-profit 501(c)3 and contributions are tax-deductible.

Ladies Rock Camp 2023 Showcase
Sunday, January 15 at 7:00-8:30 p.m. Doors open 6:30 p.m.
The Miramar Theatre | 2844 N. Oakland Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53211
All Ages | Suggested Donation $10

For more information visit www.ladiesrockmke.org or social media pages @ladiesrockmke. Contact the Ladies Rock MKE Camp Directors at [email protected] with questions.

Ladies Rock MKE Camp Background
Ladies Rock MKE was created in 2015 by organizers of the kid’s camp Girls Rock MKE who wanted to facilitate a similar music camp experience for adults. 2023 will be the sixth installment of Ladies Rock Camp.

Ladies Rock MKE is a day camp where campers ages 18 and older receive small-group instruction on instruments, attend themed workshops and practice with their bands. Campers can choose to learn one of five instruments: guitar, bass, drums, keyboard or vocals. Bands are formed at camp with 4-6 individuals after the introductory meetup. Workshops topics include songwriting, storytelling, conflict resolution, band merchandising, show promotion, community building and empowerment practices that focus on the experiences of women in the entertainment industry.

Girls Rock MKE
The mission of Girls Rock MKE, and its adult program Ladies Rock MKE, is to empower girls, women, transgender and gender non-conforming individuals of any identity, and of all backgrounds and abilities through music education and performance.

Girls Rock MKE is committed to fostering independent thinking, building self-esteem, and bridging cultural and social divides in a supportive community of peers and mentors who demonstrate: it’s okay to be who you are! Girls Rock MKE is dedicated to providing safe spaces to explore music through creative collaboration, self-expression and technical development.

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