Thursday, June 11, 2020 marks the 14th consecutive day of peaceful Milwaukee protests sparked by the murder of George Floyd. Here are just a few of the day’s events, sure to be joined by many more.

Justice for Thee Three: Rally & Press Conference

Milwaukee County Safety Building (821 W. State St.)
9 a.m.

At 9 AM on Thursday, June 11, the family of Alvin Cole is meeting with Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm to demand answers & the truth regarding the details of Alvin’s death and the investigation that followed.

The Milwaukee Alliance is calling on the people of Milwaukee to join us as we rally at 9 AM outside the Milwaukee County Safety Building in support of the Cole family and to continue to demand Justice for Thee Three: Alvin Cole, Jay Anderson, Jr., & Antonio Gonzales.

After the meeting has ended, around approximately 10-10:30 AM, the Cole family will join with their supporters to hold a press conference to share the details of their discussion with DA Chisholm.

Mark Up Marquette

Marquette University (1250 W. Wisconsin Ave.)
3 p.m.

This will be a peaceful demonstration on Marquette’s campus, OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, to contribute to the chalking events going on in the greater Milwaukee area this week, and to provide a family-friendly channel for participation for those who, whether due to social distancing or disability or various personal reasons, have been unable to join the protests all over the city this past week. At the end of this event, participants are encouraged to continue on to march with the larger community of Milwaukee protestors.

Marquette University’s Jesuit values emphasize cura personalis, care for the whole person, with the goal of establishing a student body of women and men for and with others. This event is intended to demonstrate our alignment with those values. This is furthermore a call to action those in the Marquette community–students, parents, faculty, alumni–who are still blinded by racism and have failed to use their privilege and/or platform to uphold the Jesuit values of the institution they represent. If one of us is chained, none of us are free.

The goal is to fill the land surrounding our university with chalk drawings and messages honoring the countless black lives lost to police brutality and condemning systemic racism as it exists on a fundamental level in all American institutions. The University is willing to work with us on this, so we ask that you do not use any profanity.

Justice for George Floyd

Franklin Public Library (9151 W. Loomis Rd.)
3:30 p.m.

On Thursday we will be protesting for the black lives lost from police brutality. This is a Peaceful Protest highlighting being an ally

Bring your signs, bring your spirit, and bring your love. Be ready to livestream on social media and spread the word. We will be updating on a location in the next day or so and/or a marching route.

If you would like to donate, please donate to the Milwaukee Freedom Bail Fund or bring water/face masks/supplies for donations.

Please wear a mask!

We will be abiding all social distancing measures recommended by the CDC and WHO.

With No Justice, We Walk In Peace Protest

Cathedral Square Park (520 E. Wells St.)
4 p.m.

Milwaukee’s next peaceful protest is being held on June 11th, 2020 starting at Cathedral Square Park. After walking the front lines with the Pride March on Sunday we have really seen what this community can do, what this movement can do!

Gathering and Supply Donation: 4pm
Walking of the protest: 5pm

If you’d like to donate financially so that supplies can be purchased as well (Masks, Water, Snacks, Etc) our currently used Venmo is @TomiBordeaux

The route will be determined by what is safest for the group as a whole taking into consideration all parties involved.

*REMINDER* We advise for your safety and everyones safety you wear a mask during this protest. We also reccomend goggles just in case, as well as any other neccesities you feel you may need as the walk will be lengthy.

We thank everyone over the last week who has continued to join in these peaceful gatherings and want to remind everyone that with the continuation of this we have become a movement and there will always be power behind your voice and IT DESERVES TO BE HEARD!

Class of 2020 March for #BlackLivesMatter

Lake Park (2975 N. Lake Park Rd.)
4:30 p.m.

CALLING ALL GRADUATES!!!! Didn’t get to wear your cap and gown across the stage? Wear it to march with us today in support of the #blacklivesmatter movement. You are all going to shape the future of this community, this state, this country … come show this community what that looks like. Meet in Lake Park at Area 1 off Kenwood at 430 … we will march on our own initially and plan on connecting with another area protest. Bring your friends, family members, and supporters!

March on Milwaukee: 200 Nights of Freedom

Livestream via Milwaukee County Historical Society
7:30 p.m.

While many Milwaukeeans have a vague notion of the Open Housing Marches, this presentation will offer a detailed examination of events that took place over 200 days in 1967-1968. This quintessential local story will explore the remarkable work of Milwaukee’s NAACP Youth Council and Commandos, with their advisor Father James Groppi, in support of Alderwoman Vel Phillips.

We will begin by building a framework for understanding the civil rights movement and Long Black Freedom Struggle. Then, we will explore the conditions that led to the Open Housing Marches and use images and media to build the dramatic account of what unfolded in Milwaukee’s streets during the marches.

Particularly in this moment — one where our city and country’s streets are again filled with protest — there is no better time to contextualize local civil rights history alongside national narratives in an effort to highlight the role and impact of local leadership and youth activism.

“March on Milwaukee: 200 Nights of Freedom” will be hosted by Dr. Robert S. Smith and Adam Carr. Dr. Robert S. Smith is the Harry G. John Professor of History and the Director of the Center for Urban Research, Teaching & Outreach at Marquette University. Adam Carr is the Deputy Editor for Community Engagement at Milwaukee Neighborhood News Service.