Every Wednesday at noon, Ryan Schleicher, Evan Rytlewski, and Matt Wild take to the WMSE airwaves to discuss all things Milwaukee. This half-hour fun-fest is called The Disclaimer, so named because none of the oft-ridiculous views expressed on the show necessarily reflect the views of the hosts’ employers. Milwaukee music, Milwaukee art, Milwaukee events, and D.I.Y. lawn care tips are frequently discussed—and rarely agreed upon. The Disclaimer: talk radio for the sane.
Ever have one of those months when a whole bunch of ridiculous shit happens at once? Milwaukee sure has. With Ryan out sick, it’s up to Evan, Matt, and WMSE’s Matt Schoeffler to make sense of the cornucopia of wonderfully weird Milwaukee news that bubbled to the surface this past March. A not-so-secret Rolling Stones show, a petition to get DJ Paris Hilton booted from the Summerfest roster, the WAMIs giving an award to Judas Priest for some reason, and Gen Con possibly (but not really) coming back to Milwaukee all make the cut. Fun!
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