Milwaukee Record’s New Year’s Eve guide; Milwaukee is chock full of things to do this New Year's Eve, but only a handful of events are worthy of the lofty honor of "Record Recommended" (patent pending). Here are our recommen...

Milwaukee Record’s New Year’s Eve guide

It’s been a rough year, Milwaukee. Still, between the endless onslaught of awfulness in an ever-worsening world, at least a few decent things happened. Come Saturday night, much of the city will hit the town to...

Milwaukee Record’s New Year’s Eve guide

What a year, eh? Though 2021 was slightly better than the year that preceded it, it was still worse than, well, every other year of our existence except 2020. To be honest, we don't have very high hopes for nex...

Milwaukee Record’s New Year’s Eve guide

It’s been a rough year, Milwaukee. Still, between all the celebrity deaths, polarizing political developments, and various other sources for internet outrage, at least a few decent things happened. Come Tuesday...

Ring in the New Year with Jim Gaffigan again

By now, modern comic force Jim Gaffigan's December 31 show at Pabst Theater has become as much of the Milwaukee New Year's tradition as champagne toasts, staying out at bars until 6 a.m., waiting three hours fo...