Support our democracy by becoming a poll worker!
Joint statement from all members of the Milwaukee Common Council: Alderman Peter Burgelis, Alderwoman Marina Dimitrijevic, Alderwoman Andrea M. Pratt, Alderman Mark Chambers, Jr., Alderperson Jonathan Brostoff, Alderman Robert J. Bauman, Alderman Lamont Westmoreland, Alderwoman Milele A. Coggs, Alderman DiAndre Jackson, Alderwoman JoCasta Zamarripa, Alderwoman Larresa Taylor, Alderwoman Sharlen P. Moore, Alderman José G. Pérez, Alderman Scott Spiker, and Alderman Russell W. Stamper, II
The City of Milwaukee is seeking poll workers for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, November 5. Poll workers are essential to conduct open, accurate and fair elections. Their priority is to ensure every eligible voter can exercise their right to vote by following Election Day procedures and providing excellent customer service to voters.
Poll workers receive a $220 stipend for a full-day shift and $117 for a half-day shift on Election Day. Additionally, poll workers receive $45 for attending the required training, and $15 for being bilingual. Qualifications to be a poll worker include: Must be a U.S. citizen; be 18 years old; be a resident of Milwaukee County; never have been convicted of a felony and not otherwise disqualified from voting; be able to read and write fluently in the English language; hold no public office. The City is especially looking for poll workers who can work an afternoon shift from 1:00 p.m. until closing, and bilingual workers who can speak Spanish and/or Hmong.
The Election Commission has plans to conduct its last training for new poll workers on October 30, and on November 1 for returning poll workers. Depending on the number of applications received, one or two additional training sessions could be added for October 30.
Support our democracy and consider becoming a poll worker today! Additional information and application instructions can be found by visiting
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