Gov. Evers Releases Statement Regarding Trump Administration’s Continued Efforts to Withhold Wisconsin’s Federal Funds
MADISON — Gov. Tony Evers today released a statement regarding the Trump Administration’s continued efforts aimed at withholding Wisconsin’s federal funds based on a new controversial policy aimed at unilaterally forcing all federal agencies to stop nearly all federal aid. The policy, which the Trump Administration issued late Monday, had nearly immediate consequences for states and critical programs that support kids, families, and communities in Wisconsin and across the country every day.
Today, shortly after the Trump Administration announced the Office of Management and Budget was “rescinding” the memo detailing the policy, the Trump Administration and the White House announced the administration plans to move forward with implementing the policy despite the memo having been formally rescinded. The move has been broadly suggested by both the White House and others to be an effort by the Trump Administration to circumvent an adverse court decision on one of the multiple pending lawsuits against the new policy stopping nearly all federal aid.
Gov. Evers released the following statement:
“This is a concept of a plan that should not be implemented, salvaged, or resurrected in this form or any other. I was clear yesterday that this reckless policy decision would cause unnecessary chaos for our kids, families, seniors, farmers, and emergency services—it did, and it still is.
“This effort by a new administration has been a disaster from the get-go, and it should serve as a cautionary tale against any attempt by the Trump Administration to implement this policy or anything remotely similar in the future, with or without the memo issued on Monday.
“If Wisconsin’s federal funding continues to be threatened, delayed, and obstructed, make no mistake: I will continue using every power available to me to fight against those efforts to ensure Wisconsin’s kids, families, law enforcement, veterans, seniors, and so many others can continue to access the resources, services, and programs they depend on. I urge the administration to abandon this failed policy and focus on real, meaningful priorities that will actually help Wisconsinites and Americans across our country.”
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