On Thursday, April 14, Milwaukeeans young and old will join as one, raise their voices to the heavens, and celebrate the greatest holiday to be based on an area code. Yes, we’re just one month away from Milwaukee Day 2016. What began years ago as nothing more than a Facebook page and a goofy coincidence (4/14 = 414) has since turned into an honest-to-goodness, city-approved celebration of all things right and just in Milwaukee. “We’re just a few men and women born and raised here who love the city, warts and all,” say Milwaukee Day co-organizers Brent Gohde and Andy Silverman. “There’s a lot of bad news every day, so we’re looking to bring people together to smile and have fun for a few hours, as there’s plenty here to celebrate, too.”
So what’s in store for this year’s Milwaukee Day? How about an undeniably awesome show at Turner Hall? Here’s the lineup:
Def Harmonic
Midnight Reruns
Lex Allen
Space Raft
Escuela Verde’s Skai Academy
Doors will open at 5:30 p.m. and the show will begin at 6. Cortney Heimerl will be curating an arts & crafts throughout the evening on the upper level of Turner Hall. Ticket information will be released later this week. All proceeds will benefit TransCenter for Youth’s Escuela Verde.
“This year, we’re packing as many local headliners as we can into one event, as we want to raise awareness for a great cause, Trans-Center for Youth’s Escuela Verde,” say Gohde and Silverman. “We’re focusing on a single event this year to corral all the positive energy of the day into one big party.”