Print media is no longer just a thing of the future! On March 1, Colectivo Coffee Roasters and Milwaukee Record officially launch “Off The Record,” a print-only monthly periodical available exclusively at all Milwaukee-area Colectivo locations. The inaugural issue features a print-exclusive story from Milwaukee Record, a Milwaukee-beloved American Values Crossword Puzzle, and a collectable Colectivo fold-out poster! Fun!

Here’s a quick FAQ:

Q: Will the included puzzle be the same one that The Onion/A.V. Club used to feature here in Milwaukee, but hasn’t been in town in print since 2013?
A: YES, it’s that one. Get excited, puzzle people.

Q: Will the included Milwaukee Record article just be something that was already on the site that’s being repurposed as a print piece?
A: NO, it’ll be a shiny new article each and every month. Get excited, article people.

Q: What will each issue cost?
A: FREE. Just walk on in and pick one up.

Q: Will “Off The Record” be available at my favorite and/or closest Milwaukee-area Colectivo location?
A: YES, as it’s now available at ALL Milwaukee area locations:
Third Ward
Bay View
US Bank
Prospect Ave.
Wauwatosa (68th St.)
Wauwatosa (Swan Blvd.)

Q: Will “Off The Record” change my life for the better?
A: Only one way to find out—PICK ONE UP TODAY!